Dear Stranger: An Unsent Letter

Dear Stranger,

     It’s been years now since I have seen you. It feels like ages have passed. I close my eyes and feel your existence. Every time I do so, I feel like coming to you and cuddle you. But my heart doesn’t permit me to do so as it knows that the fault was mine and my heart doesn’t permit me to hurt you again.

     I knew that I shattered your dreams. I knew that I broke your heart, you trust, your belief in the true love. I knew that every bad thing in the world was happening because of me. I knew I was the culprit and I robbed everything from you. I knew everything, but I stayed silent. I wanted to stop you when you were going, but I was paralyzed enough to do so. All I could see that time was your walk. You were moving away. And I was gazing you moving away from me, you went so far from me, and slowly you faded away, you disappeared from the range of my eyes, you vanished from my life. I didn’t even try to find you out.

     I wanted to hold you for a moment and cry in your lap for as long as I can. But I didn’t do that. I wanted to hold you and look in your eyes for infinite long time. But I didn’t do that. I wanted to hold you and, live and laugh with you forever. But I didn’t do that. I wanted to do that but I was unable. So I didn’t do that. I didn’t do that to make you secure so that you won’t be getting up hurt anymore because of me. I didn’t do that because you don’t deserve a fugitive like me. I didn’t do that because I knew I was not the right one for you. I didn’t do that because I knew you deserved someone much much better than me. I didn’t do that because I knew one day you’ll find a guy who will love you more than his life. Sorry!

     And then again, the time started floating. But now it was taking us to completely different directions. You started living all up again. And my struggle to mark my existence is still going on.

     Now, I don’t have the right to say you much. But all I would say to you that whenever you need me I’ll be there for you. I don’t care if we ever talk again, but I’ll always care about you, as much as I’d hate to admit it. If you called me five years from now at 3 o’clock in the morning, asking for someone to talk to, I’d rush to be by your side. I don’t want to care, but I do!

Good Luck.

The known stranger.


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