Oh, yes. You!

How can it all change?
How can people stop loving or start losing feelings?

Well they "start" loving so they can "stop" loving. They "start" feeling so they can "lose" feelings. Yet, doesn't seem normal. Breaks a heart every time.

One day. You are just so happy. All the talking, flirting, liking, kissing, loving, pictures, captions, days and nights and happy times.

Then comes another day "baby what's wrong?" "Babe I don't think I love you anymore".
Shattered dreams. Broken heart. Done with flirting. Done with talking. Worst flashbacks to the "happy times"

Staring at those conversations and those pictures. Reading those captions, cursing that time. Crying with the gifts beside. Reading the conversations so many times you memorize it like a song. Ah! Songs. Every sad song seems like our story. Every quote seems relatable. Every heartbroken story feels the same. Everything reminds you of him. But then your best friend says "bitch, m alive. That guy ain't worth it. You need to move on" and ouch! That strikes. Now I have to move on?  You can't just move on. You can't just start hating him. You can never hate him. You will love him always. All you do is change your ways of loving.

Only way to make you feel better. Best friends and beer. Ice cream and minions
Been happier? Yes. Many times.

Been sadder? Yes. Many times.

Anything beautiful than nature? Ooh yes. You.


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